We will be reading Genesis this week. (1/10 - 1/14)
**These are for my notes from the lesson 1 video. They are not meant for use by anyone else. You are more than welcome however to use them. :)**
Genesis - "Beginning"
Author - Moses
Starts with a Prologue: "In the beginning"
- followed by 10 sections: known as generations/origins/ lineage
Prologue: Chapters 1.1 - 2.4
Day 1: Light
Day 4: sun, moon, and stars (those things that create light for us)
Day 2: skies and seas (creation of "space")
Day 5: Fish and birds (animals of the seas and skies)
Day 3: Dry land and plant life
Day 6: Animals for land
- LAST: Humans
Day 7: God rested
- reminds humans that there is a need for rest
- sets an example for us
Discusses days as "chunks of time" - not the idea of the rise and the setting of the sun and moon
Section 1: Garden of Eden (Ch. 2.4 - 4)
- Tree of knowledge
- Good vs. Evil (EVERYTHING)
- Satan temps Adam and Eve into eating from the tree and learning (or knowing) EVERYTHING - to be "like God"
- Entrance of SIN AND MORTALITY into our world
- "We know more than we can handle"
- Points the way to the need for a Savior
Section 2: Adam (Ch. 5,6 and part of 7)
Also includes sons Cain and Abel
- Sons carry on the sin started by Adam and Eve
Section 3: Noah (Ch. 6,7,8,9)
- Earth became largelt populated
- God finds Earth's wickedness to be so great, he decides to destroy it (using water= FLOOD)
- One man was good: Noah
- live righteously no matter what
- Builds an ARK - preserves human and animal life
- all current ppl descend from Noah (Noah, his sons and their wives)
- Noah, however, falls from grace (gets drunk)
- SIN = displeasing God
Section 4: Shem, Ham and Japheth (Ch. 10 - 11) "Table of Nations"
- Sons of Noah
- World becoming increasingly PAGAN
Section 5: Shem (Ch. 11)
- Lineage of Shem
- introduction of Abraham
Section 6: Terah (Ch. 12)
TERAH - father of Abraham
Ch. 1 - 11 : rapid coverage of beginning
***Story of God's ppl begins with ABRAHAM
- Abraham is covered in Ch. 11 - 25
- Ch. 12 : Covenant?
- Abraham wasn't perfect: afraid, lies (Sarah)
-----> Issac does it too in Ch. 26
Section 7: Ishmael (Ch. 25)
Father of the Arabs
Section 8: Issac (Ch. 25 - 35)
father of the Jews
-Includes Jacob and his 12 sons
----------> the 12 tribes of Israel
Section 9 : Esau (Ch. 36)
Jacob's brother = father of the Eclomites
- Shoes God's concern for ALL people (through Moses)
- God of All People
Section 10 : Jacob and Joseph (Ch. 37 - 50{End})
"God is with Joseph"
At the end of Genesis:
"Now God has a people"
- cares for
- protects
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