Monday, January 10, 2011

Sara: Lesson 1 Video notes

We will be reading Genesis this week.  (1/10 - 1/14)

**These are for my notes from the lesson 1 video.  They are not meant for use by anyone else.  You are more than welcome however to use them. :)**

Genesis - "Beginning"
Author - Moses
Starts with a Prologue: "In the beginning"
      - followed by 10 sections: known as generations/origins/ lineage

Prologue: Chapters 1.1 - 2.4
Day 1: Light
Day 4: sun, moon, and stars (those things that create light for us)

Day 2: skies and seas (creation of "space")
Day 5: Fish and birds (animals of the seas and skies)

Day 3: Dry land and plant life
Day 6: Animals for land
         - LAST: Humans

Day 7: God rested
        - reminds humans that there is a need for rest
        - sets an example for us

Discusses days as "chunks of time" - not the idea of the rise and the setting of the sun and moon

Section 1: Garden of Eden (Ch. 2.4 - 4)
- Tree of knowledge
- Good vs. Evil (EVERYTHING)
       - Satan temps Adam and Eve into eating from the tree and learning (or knowing) EVERYTHING - to be "like God"
       - Entrance of SIN AND MORTALITY into our world
       - "We know more than we can handle"
       - Points the way to the need for a Savior

Section 2: Adam (Ch. 5,6 and part of 7)
      Also includes sons Cain and Abel
- Sons carry on the sin started by Adam and Eve

Section 3: Noah (Ch. 6,7,8,9)
- Earth became largelt populated
- God finds Earth's wickedness to be so great, he decides to destroy it (using water= FLOOD)
- One man was good: Noah
      - live righteously no matter what
- Builds an ARK - preserves human and animal life
     - all current ppl descend from Noah (Noah, his sons and their wives)
- Noah, however, falls from grace (gets drunk)
       - SIN = displeasing God

Section 4: Shem, Ham and Japheth (Ch. 10 - 11) "Table of Nations"
        - Sons of Noah
        - World becoming increasingly PAGAN

Section 5: Shem (Ch. 11)
  - Lineage of Shem
  - introduction of Abraham

Section 6: Terah (Ch. 12)
TERAH - father of Abraham
Ch. 1 - 11 : rapid coverage of beginning
***Story of God's ppl begins with ABRAHAM
         - Abraham is covered in Ch. 11 - 25
              - Ch. 12 : Covenant?
              - Abraham wasn't perfect: afraid, lies (Sarah)
                   ----->   Issac does it too in Ch. 26

Section 7: Ishmael (Ch. 25)
     Father of the Arabs

Section 8: Issac (Ch. 25 - 35)
       father of the Jews
-Includes Jacob and his 12 sons
----------> the 12 tribes of Israel

Section 9 : Esau (Ch. 36)
       Jacob's brother = father of the Eclomites
- Shoes God's concern for ALL people (through Moses)
- God of All People

Section 10 : Jacob and Joseph (Ch. 37 - 50{End})
"God is with Joseph"

At the end of Genesis:
         "Now God has a people"
                  - cares for
                  - protects

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Course 1 - Genesis to Leviticus

#1 - Course Syllabus
Genesis-Leviticus: God Builds a People For Himself
Course Description
This course tells the story of Israel’s roots. From creation of all things to the creation of Israel as a nation at Sinai, this lesson studies God’s process of building a nation to represent Him on earth. It is the foundation for understanding the struggles and triumphs of the relationship between God and Israel that is recorded in the rest of the Old Testament books.
Video lectures are the key learning activity within each lesson. The teaching notes will lead you through the provided materials.
Lesson Structure
Each lesson is organized around a similar set of requirements. It is important that you review the lesson goals for each lesson so that you will be familiar with the learning outcomes required for that lesson. The lesson lectures are available in video, audio, or text format. You will also find reading requirements, journaling, discussion forum questions, and other learning activities in many of the lessons.
Self-Paced Learning
You will be able to take this course at your own pace. Once you enroll in the course, there is a 180 day time limit in which you must complete the entire course.
As others take this course with you, you may be given opportunity to interact with them using the discussion forum. This is an important part of many lessons as it provides an opportunity to reflect on what you have learned and share your ideas with others.
In some lessons you may be asked to use a loose-leaf binder or a spiral notebook to journal. If you are not asked to respond in the online discussion forum (see Interaction above), write your responses in your course journal. This will enable you to review your thoughts at a later time during the course, as well as any time in the future.
Course Grade
You are allowed only TWO attempts for each quiz. Each quiz score is recorded and the average of your quizzes is used for your course grade. The quiz grades are recorded only for your interest. Your course grade is based upon an average of your quiz scores.

A New Journey

My name is dad (Steve) and I are going to start reading and studying the Bible together.  This is a goal of mine (30 under 30) and he is interested in doing it too!

We've chosen an online study to help us "study" as we read through the Bible.

We've chosen the non-certified course at the above website.  We are going to focus, first, on the Old Testament. 

We will use this blog to track our progress, and to discuss what we've read and/or learned.

There will be more to come!! 

God Bless!